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Since its founding, HRT has supported conservative candidates running for Federal Office all the way down the ballot to school board – candidates who believe in protecting life, our Texas values, and defending the founding principles of our great nation.

Help HRT elect true Conservatives who support Texas values, the founding principles that made America great, the protection of life, and who will tell the truth in their communities, churches, schools, and families.

Democrats have long relied on the growing Texas Hispanic population to turn our state blue.  If that happens and the Democrats capture Texas’ 40 Electoral College votes, it will be generations before a Republican wins the White House again.   Just looking at the current administration and their actions, this is a terrifying prospect. 


Texas and our nation are too important to give up this fight and the Texas Hispanic community is the key to our political future. 

By contributing to HRT, you are helping turn traditionally Democrat Hispanics into Republican voters and KEEPING TEXAS RED.

We also accept checks to the address:

Hispanic Republicans of Texas PAC

P.O. Box 28881 

Austin, Texas 78755

Paid for by the Hispanic Republicans of Texas. Not authorized by any candidate or candidates committee

© 2022 Hispanic Republicans of Texas PAC


512-257-8559   |

P.O. Box 28881 | Austin, Texas | 78755

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